Έλληνες Ζωγράφοι 1 κεντρική en

Samaras Loukas

Date of birth: 14-09-1936
Art Works 9


He attended acting courses at the school of S. ADLER. In 1965 he became one of the first artists in Pace Gallery in which he still continues and collaborates with it. In 1969 he delivered courses of sculpture in Yale University, New Haven and in 1971-1972 and taught in Brooklyn College while at the same time in 1977 he gave a series of lectures in Rome. He explores from the start of his career a variety of means, from the sculpture and the painting up to the photograph and the installation, being indifferent to the discriminations between high or low art. His recognition by the artistic world of N. York begins in 1971 in the retrospective exhibition of Boxes in Museum of Contemporary Art and in 1972 in Whitney Museum of American Art. He could be characterized as the extreme child of artistic scene of N. York, while after he accomplishes 40 years of career he still reverses all expectations and goes always against the current. He has presented his work in individual exhibitions (Rutgers University New Jersey 1995, 1958, Reuben Gallery, N. York 1961, 1964, Dwan Gallery Los Angeles 1964, Pace Gallery N.York 1966, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1991, 1993, 1994, Der Spiegel Colonia 1969 etc).